Originally Posted by willravel
You still have to admit that they are taking chances - something very rare in entertainment. Of course a lot of it is crap, BUT some of it is good. Shows like Venture are going to come out of this clusterf**k after the dust settles, and that gives me hope. I hope other networks catch on and try actually hiring innovative writers instead of pushing another reality show.
Yeah, I do have to admit that.
Did anybody think "Tom and the Mayor" was funny? It's not that
I didn't think it was funny, more like did
anybody think it was funny?
It's one thing to run a whole bunch of odd stuff and see if anything sticks. It's quite another to run utter shit just because you can. Build, build, build anticipation and then run crap that you know is crap and laugh at all the idiots who tuned in.
Funny once. Maybe.They've got a track record of pulling this same schtick and that's what's aggravating.