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Old 11-13-2004, 09:30 PM   #1 (permalink)
Minion of the scaléd ones
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Location: Northeast Jesusland
Recast the Movie

Everyone has probably thought to themself at one point or another, "Yeah, that actor was OK, but this actor would have been so much better in that part." Buddy of mine and I did this for two straight hours over beer this evening.

Here's the deal: Pick a well known movie, series of movies, or TV series. Then re-cast all the major roles with actors from a different movie, TV series, or series, group, or type of movies. This then stays open until the poster is satisfied that the feedback is enough to put up a final list. Once the final is up, it's open to anyone to start again.

So, I'll start:

Recating the Lord of the Rings movies with the cast, past and present, of Saturday Night Live (as of now - so no dead people.)<blockquote>Bilbo Baggins - Dennis Miller
Gollum - Chris Kattan

Frodo Baggins - Norm McDonald
Sam Gamgee - Horatio Sanz
Merry (Meriadoc Brandybuck)- Rob Schneider
Pippin (Peregrin Took) - David Spade

Aragorn - Adam Sandler
Boromir - Will Ferrell
Denethor - Al Franken
Faramir - Kevin Nealon
Theoden - Billy Crystal
Eowyn - Victoria Jackson
Eomer - Jim Brewer (as Goatboy)
Barliman Butterbur - Lorne Michaels
Grima Wormtongue - John Lovitz

Gimli -- Mike Myers

Legolas Greenleaf -- Chris Rock
Elrond -- Tim Meadows
Arwen - Ellen Cleghorn
Galadriel - Also Ellen Cleghorn (or Queen Latifa as a guest star)
Celeborn - Eddie Murphy
Glorfindel - Damon Wayans

Gandalf - Bill Murray
Saruman - Dana Carvey</blockquote>Revise, Discuss, Debate. Have fun!
Light a man a fire, and he will be warm while it burns.
Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
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