Thread: Everquest 2
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Old 11-12-2004, 02:07 AM   #6 (permalink)
Hidee ho everyone
Pretty excited, I get my new and more fantastic puter tomorrow...
...and I might start playing my very first MMORPG, after seeing the EQ2 trailer...
Any tips for new role players ?
My hubby has played these RPGs forever, speaking of which I have a question for you married online gamers :
I'd like to hear from anyone who's had ingame relationships with other characters. I've been trying to understand role playing, OOC and IC chat, all that stuff literally for months but it's too new to me to understand. I admittedly need to learn more about it, especially going into EQ2 as my first kick at the cat. Do you marry and stuff in that game too ? How's that work and what is the purpose of doing so ? Please fill me in !
Grumbling*Girl is offline  

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