Originally Posted by Dragonlich
Oh, I can!
- One can see it in the context of a power struggle. Muslim states are less powerful than European ones, and they want to be able to boss us around. Muslim extremists fit into this picture because they believe Islam is superior to Western culture.
- One can see it as a class struggle, in the Marxist sense. Muslims in the West are generally low-paid, and they want to fight their evil oppressing bosses.
- One can see it as a battle between good and evil, where one side is out to destroy the other. That's probably the extremists' viewpoint.
I could probably make up a few others... 
I agree that one can "see" the conflict in any of the ways you have postulated. But which hypothesis most closely matches with the situation on the ground. How do the terrorists view it? What do they say their goals are? What do their actions reveal?