Originally Posted by turbofish
I'm not sure if it's public or private, a friend of mine was in the states for a year as a student... Somewhere where they speak like the redneck in Simpsons
She said that alot of her friends there are choosing *Collage* after if they taught the Adam and Eve instead of the Evolution theory. This was backed up by a guy I traveled with in Eastern Europe for a week or so... You know anything about the bearing of these claims?
I know it's hypothetically a theory... But atleast there are fact that supports it... I haven't found much of evidence to support how God made humans in his self image. Again, if you have, please share
I'm athiest by the way... I was christian when I was a kid... Took a step back and evaluated my faith when I was 15... Haven't looked back since... One of the most important things I live by is not forcing my will upon others. Sorry to say, not everyone shares that belief...
As far as I know all public schools teach the Evolution Theory, but there are very many private Christian schools that teach Adam and Eve.
I think it deals with the fact that if Adam and Eve is taught in public school, it would be discriminating against students of other religions. As for people choosing colleges based on which theory they teach, I guess that would be a personal thing and vary from person to person, but it would be a really stupid reason to choose a college.
And no I don't I don't know any FACTS that support Creation, because it is based upon faith, and as far as I understand the modern C/J/I view of God, He could very well exist and have created man and the earth and everything, but done so in a way that would present FACTS to support that everything just came about through coincidence and physical laws. Many people who oppose Creationism assume that God would have just created the Universe by *blinking* it into being or something that just caused it to suddenly exist this way, they just don't think that an Eternal Being with all kinds of spare time on his hands could take a few billion years and just kinda relax and make sure that everything goes right and that all the physical laws he enacted are meshing together properly. And they also don't consider that God could have used the materials that he created as the material *stuff* of the universe to bring about the formation of the Universe as we know it today. He could have just set everything up, started it moving and let it work itself, including the creation of Life. Who can say for sure that God didn't create life by just mixing together a bunch of amino acids in a puddle and let evolution take its course?