Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
Or do you think it is the fault of sex education, that not enough focus is placed on the realities of sex so as to counter the mythos that is propagated by pornography? For example, should high school sex education be discussing things like anal sex and proper sterilization of sex toys so as to counter the inaccurate messages broadcast through pornography? Should there be regulations regarding some aspects of pornography, such as my pet peeve: the post anal sex blow job?
What are your thoughts on this issue?
Sex education is surely lacking in America's schools. Just about everything I know I learned (not from kindergarten, shame on you!) from just doing it and reading about it to educate myself. The internet facilitates this in an amazing way. Let's not forget that people had issues with sexuality long before porn and the internet were around, so it seems to me that blaming the porn industry is scapegoating them. Of course not everything you see in porns is real/safe/wise, do kids really not know this? Do these same kids watch hollywood movies and believe what they see there? I surely hope not.