I've done both. The online class took a big ass chunk out of my GPA. why? same reason as Suave. It requires you to do all this extra work per week that you'd never have to do in-class. My online class required me spend at least 4 hours per week in the chat rooms and message boards discussing the topics of the week! I was all like, WTF?
So I rarely contributed in those ways, but I turned in each and every assignment and project. On all my assignments and projects I got around 95% and I ace'd the final and mid-terms. (It was an uubber easy class.) My final grade? C. Because I didn't spend all night in a chat room once a week. (Didn't have time to because of 4 other classes to take care of!!)
Only take online courses as a last resort. If the class is offered in a classroom, take it in the classroom!
"The problem with quick and dirty, as some people have said, is that the dirty remains long after the quick has been forgotten" - Steve McConnell