Originally Posted by nofnway
How's that working out all over africa? How is the UN helping out in the Sudan....How'd they do in Rwanda? Ethiopia?
Nice job with that Oil for food program...How much did Kofi pocket from that scam?
Congo...That is commendable....if you want to educate me, How 'bout France? Germany? China?
It could go on....in another forum
- the biggest amount of US employees in UN. So, the policies taken are actually drafted by Americans...
- Helping out Africa, Sudan, Rwanda, Ethiopia? Actually, Rwanda was pretty good till US decided to bring in UN troops, and then actually send its own troops. But, after the helicopter crash and one of the dead US soldiers was draged through the streets, US quickly left.
- Actually, all the countries listed do pay UN, and on-time vs US who owns over 11 billion to UN, pays nothing, but expects that UN will be carrying out all the orders.