Originally Posted by sob
"Failed to deny" is inaccurate. Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton GAVE nuclear material to North Korea, because they believed their promise to "use it only for generating power." How idiotic was that?
Don't forget that if it's ever winging its way toward us in a missile, that missile will be guided by our own technology, which Loral sold to the Chinese.
Documents verify that ".. the president [Clinton] was informed that Loral may have contributed technology to China's ballistic missile program before he decided to grant Loral a waiver on February 18th of this year [1998] to permit them to export yet another satellite to China."
Can you say, "big fat campaign contribution from Loral?"
First if you know your history Carter really didn't have much choice. China needed electricity and to be brought into the modern age. Plus, don't be so naive as to believe that without our help the Chinese would never have developed it on their own. What Carter did was provide SAFE plans to develop power plants. Otherwise China would have had disasters worse than 3 Mile Island and Chernobyl... but I'm sure to some of you who don't give a damn about the world and people you would say that was what China deserved.
Clinton helped China because China offered to turn over any illegal sales from the ex-USSR's "missing" arsenal. Again, in order to protect yourself you sometimes must help your enemy to believe he is on equal footing. Do you trulky believe that ANY president would give information out that the Chinese would not be able to get either elsewhere or on their own? Well, I'm sure some of you are so f-ing partisan and hate filled that you would believe that.
Does the article you quote from talk about how Rev. Moon (owner of the Washington Times and close friend to the Bush's) sold nuclear subs to N. Korea, how he gave millions to N. Korean leaders for the sole purpose to help their nuclear program? (BTW.... why did Reagan and Bush SELL Moon those subs anyway? What does a private citizen who runs the mother of all religious cults need with them? And why did Bush I let Moon sell them to North Korea?) Course you won't answer those questions, you'd rather point fingers at the president from the other party and say it was all his fault, Reagan and the Bushys NEVER, NEVER did anything bad.
Point is, we have had president's giving China and N. Korea information for a very long time, and it isn't just one party. What do you think Nixon truly did when he went to China DURING A WAR AGAINST THEM? HOw do you think Nixon was able to end the war?
Study your history.