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Old 11-06-2004, 03:12 AM   #38 (permalink)
The Dreaded Pixel Nazi
Konichiwaneko's Avatar
Location: Inside my camera
These are the things i hate hearing from the left

1) People can't help themselves, they need help. (Most people can help themselves, don't try to be a hero when you don't have to be, if someone knows that they don't have to work because you will do it for them, you better believe 9 out of 10 will abuse that)

2) Omg he's a libertarian, that means he's a REPUBLICAN. (Sigh....just plain sigh. Yes I'm going to vote a republican into the office if only 10 of his policies damage individuality compared to if a democratic plan damages 100. It really is a lesser of two evils situation)

3) The rich, the rich, they get everything! (Yeah, also because they Work. It's not freebees guys. If you have 1000000 dollars, yes it's easy to make money, it's also easy to lose it. The common "well off" in our society is a family making 100k, which is easily obtainable in our society now. Not that it matters though because we assume everyone needs the lifestyle that the affluent has, and thus everything thinks of unreasonable standard of living. George Bush has suplimented my income as much as my clients, and some of them are millionaires. His tax break targetted the group of people who actually earns money for a living. It's the workers that run our economy guys, we don't mind if others try and do as much as they can to have a better life but not by stealing the lifestyle from another person.)

4) To win we have to be even more left! (I really really hope not. Please give me a FDR type Democrat. Yes he introduced what I believe was one of the worst things ever (sociel security), but i loved him. FDR democrats are republicans now, and democrats now...well they are just so far left it's scary.

You can apply this to what I said above, but it's mostly for some of you guys above me

Why do we assume we know what's best?
Hesitate. Pull me in.
Breath on breath. Skin on skin.
Loving deep. Falling fast.
All right here. Let this last.
Here with our lips locked tight.
Baby the time is right for us...
to forget about us.
Konichiwaneko is offline  

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