Originally Posted by KMA-628
Ah, I see. I am totally unfamiliar with Coburn or his comments.
From what you guys are saying, I would say that he represents a very, very small portion of the right. Just as the extreme left bothers most liberals, the extreme right makes us cringe as well.
I would say that, while vocal, they represent a very tiny percentage of conservatives. I personally do not even know anybody that would say anything like that (and I know quite a few on the Christian right and they wouldn't say it either).
As you guys dismiss your side's wackos, we dismiss these wackos as well.
/the fact that they get elected is concerning though. I would guess that this type of rhetoric doesn't come out during campaigns.
Edit: I just saw Superbelt's last thread. I would say your answer is in the last sentence
Although I see your point about marginal wackos, there is the very distinct possibility that placating the religious right can lead to more Coburns. Our own atorney general has some decidely restrictive ideas about morality....what happens to the Republican tent when those elements are no longer willing to endorse any candidate that supports abortion, for instance (as I've read the majority of Republican do). Gary Bauer and Allen Keyes are two "non-wackos" (relatively speaking) that might serve as better examples of my point.