Originally Posted by Stompy
Ok, we had the first WTC bombing when it was TOTALLY unexpected.
Oklahoma City bombing, completely unexpected.
Then Bin Laden stated his hatred of America in the mid to late 90's.
US Embassy bombing... then the USS Cole. (Was there something else?)
Totally different than 9/11.
I'm not blaming Bush, because like I said above, it could've happened under anyone's watch... but to blame Clinton for the above is a bit odd seeing as how most of it was unexpected and out of our control. I mean, USS Cole.. the thing is a WARSHIP, what the hell are they doing caught off guard? Clinton's fault? No. Commander of the ship's fault? Yes. US Embassy (in another country), Clinton's fault? Why would it be Clinton's fault? Oklahoma... same, that was totally out of left field. That'd be like blaming Clinton for Columbine.
Anyway, fast forward to 2001, it wasn't a surprise that terrorists (especially Bin Laden), wanted to strike the US. 1993? A surprise, yes, but 2001? No. A lot happened in between.
It just goes to show that you aren't as safe as you think you are. If someone wanted to, they could probably do another Oklahoma bombing against federal interest... easily.
All Im saying is... a LOT happened under Clinton, for people to "blame" Bush cause it happened under "his" watch is silly....
1993 First WTC bombing
1995 bombing in Saudi Arabia
1996 al-Khobar towers bombing in Saudi Arabia
1998 Embassy bombings in South Africa
2000 bombing of the USS Cole
(I did not include Oklahoma because that was an American terrorist...same as Waco)