Originally Posted by bling
The intent, without just cause or reason, to commit a wrongful act that will result in harm to another.
So essentially, you're saying that because the State does not define the death penalty as without just cause or reason, it is not the same as murder, which the State does define as without cause or reason.
Well naturally! Otherwise the State would be commiting a crime that it recognizes itself.
The problem is in what the State considers with just cause or reason. Simply because the State says it is so does not make it so. And that is why we have a debate on the subject.
You're essentially saying "The death penalty is ok because it is ok." That's not a good enough rationalization.
Wrong. The Death Penalty is the legal killing of a person with just cause (being convicted with due process of law and sentenced to death), while murder is the illegal killing of a human being by a human being with malice aforethought. Murder is illegal. The death penalty is legal.