No, I did not skip History class in high school and am fully aware that the popular vote does not determine the winner of Presidency. This is the very reason I laugh when we are considered a democracy. Perhaps I was not being specific enough, but I figured the poster would understand what I meant when I said it is too close to waste a vote on third party. The 18 states you mention are the states I refer too when I say do not throw away a vote on independent. You remember what happened in Florida; one state decided the fate of thousands in a baseless, idiotic war, one state has put this country in more danger, one state has lost this country jobs, one state has put this country into a record setting deficit, one state has f’d up healthcare, environment and education, etc. It is simply not worth it in this election to vote independent just because you think you are being heard, there is too much at stake.
If this is what you believe, will you admit to me, if Kerry doesn't win, that your vote was wasted?
It will not be wasted because Kerry actually stands a chance. Kerry is the deciding factor of whether or not the country will continue to go downhill. If he doesn’t win, it is a possibility it will be because of the several people who voted independent, and in my honest opinion, that would be very unfortunate.
You can insult me all you like, but it will not change the way I feel. The fact of the matter is that this country does not see past two parties.