Wow, is this thread ever an eye opener!
First off, any person or parent who allows their 12 year old daughter to wear a thong is both sick, and a bad parent.
Second, any parent or person who says a 12 year old girl is old enough to decide what she wants and it's not a parents place to get involved is sick, wrong, and a bad parent or person.
Third, anyone who is not a parent of a daughter should not have a say in this because your opinion is essentially worthless. ( I am, obviously!)
Fourth, I believe that any parent who lets their 12 year old girls wear thongs is both an advocate and protector of child pornography and child prostitution. (opinion, purely)
Fifth, I am a teacher. I see the girls come each day to school dressed like sluts. They become associated as sluts because that's what they dress like. SHAME on the parents who let their kids (up to age 16) dress the way some of them do. You are a big part of what is wrong with society. SHAME on the parents who don't have the balls to be a parent and tell them what is and what is not appropriate. SHAME on the writer who said that it's a parents job to just be their kids friend. I hope you're not a parent. I fear for your children.
What is wrong with us? How has it gotten to this point where we justify dressing our children up as bait for molesters and sex addicts? How have we become so tossed and turned by public opinion? How have we strayed so far from having the balls to use the words "right" and "wrong".
Sean O'Casey said it best: "The world in a terrible state o' chassis"