Do you EVER listen to or accept a story from the "other side"?
You know, the past few months and especially the last couple of weeks have been interesting times on the Politics Boards.
I've noticed that the little sub-community we have here on the PB seems to be getting even more poralized than ever, mirroring what seems to be happening in the United States itself. But something bothers me.
It seems that many (most?) of the members here never seem to accept news stories or valid questions that their opposing politicly leaning members post. Is this just a knee-jerk reaction? Do you automatically ignore, trash or disbelieve anything that doesn't agree with your own political bias? To me this seems to be the case.
I guess everyone knows I'm pro-Kerry when it comes to the election. However, here are a few valid questions that Bush supporters have brought up.
1) Apparent lack of 5 years in Kerry's military record
2) Assertion that Bush cannot personally be directly blamed for explosives being stolen
3) The fact that Kerry has changed his mind on certain topics (actually a good thing in my opinion, but something I can see would bother some people)
4) Voting record and attendance has not been perfect
5) Claim that he talked to "all members" of the security council, when he only spoke to "all members" of the Permanent Council (splitting hairs, but a valid criticism)
These just off the top of my head.
Yet when it comes to Bush, I've yet to see (or at least remember) a single criticism or inconsistency of his that his supporters seem to have accepted.
Why is this? Why can't you see the bad with the good, so to speak. Sure, support Bush if you want, but don't put your head in the sand and ignore valid or appropriate criticism. Is it simply you don't believe them? Do you honestly think Bush is a living incarnate of goodness and truth and is incapable of lying or being wrong?
I'm honestly confused. It just smacks of elitism and complete and utter arrogance. But Bush supports only seem incapable of doing the same for their man. I know the same claim can be leveled as some "Bush-haters" (to use Ustwo's memorable epithet), but I can only speak for myself at the moment. I know Kerry is not perfect and I accept that.
What can't you do the same for your man?
Finally, even though this is a poll, I challenge each and every responder to post a reply listing something brought up by their opponents that is an acceptable criticism or inconsistency. I've listed five above. I wonder how many other posters (both Kerry and most especially Bush supporters) will list?
Mr Mephisto