Originally Posted by daswig
Please quote the language that is "publicly fantasizing about murdering ones (sic) political enemies". I certainly haven't posted anything that fits that bill, and I don't recall reading any other post that fits such a bill.
Does this sound familiar? It should, you just wrote it....
Hey, that's OK with me, considering just how underarmed the Liberals are. Ever hear of the "Marianas turkey shoot"? Gun nuts against liberals....what kind of odds would a betting person give for such a civil war? Remember one of the gun nut's unofficial mottos: "We burn more ammo by ten AM than most third world countries do all day." Another favorite: "Vote from the rooftops"
Yeah, pretty funny. I particularly like "vote from the rooftops." It has such a nice lone nut feel to it.
And in case you didn't realize this (not intended as sarcasm, I'm merely unsure how much attention you pay to this), gun control is indeed a HUGE political issue, one which kept Gore from winning by a clear majority in 2000 according to his people.
I didn't mention gun control, but that never stopped you from bringing it up out of the blue before, so why should I be surprised now?