Let me give you all an outline:
I. War in Iraq - Kerry truly wants to set this country on the right course. He won't waste money on a war we shouldn't be in. He will get the Iraqi troops trained as soon as humanly possible, and won't use the "close" Iraqi elections as some rediculous pedastal. He knows what it is like to be in a near hopeless and misguided war (Vietnam). He truly wants to get the troops out of that hell-hole so more don't die against a force of suicidal radicals that is near impossible to fight by conventional standards. He actually realizes where terrorism truly is and will send our armed forces to those places to effeciantly eliminate them and
truly make the world a safer place.
II. Foreign Policy - Whether you like to hear it or not, the truth is that Bush isolated America, and totally disreguarded the UN. For, that America has been hurt on the war front and at home. Countries are constantly dropping out of the alliance (even the much touted Poland). Some say that just getting Kerry into office won't change the world's opinion about us. The truth of the matter is,
it will . Kerry is a confident and intelligent man that could effectively lead this country and others toward making the world safer. Other countries will see that the US finally wised up and kicked Bush and his corrupt administration (don't get me started on Haliburton) out of power.
III. Environment - This is just blatantly obvious. A friend of mine went up to the site where they want to drill for oil in Alaska, and he came back and said it was one of the most beautiful places he's ever been to. Republicans use their religion as a platform (sadly) and they never even think about what they're destroying by drilling all over the place. They're ruining the very beauty of nature that God has blessed us with. You can shove that up your "moral" asses.
Ok, now I'm just angry. I'll write more later. For now, enjoy!