Originally Posted by brianna
i called tech support and since my laptop is working their response was "yeah well must be your computer, not our problem." which i'm somewhat inclined to agree with -- it must be an incorrect setting somewhere but i have no clue where....
keep in mind that getting the help you want out of tech support is usually dependent on the information you DON'T give them as well as the information you do. tech support looks for the easiest way to close thier tickets, whether or not the problem is solved.
my laptop is a dual boot with SuSE linux and win xp pro. anytime i have to deal with dell tech support i have to lie about it. any problem that may occur with the machine their solution is to uninstall linux. even though i think it helps diagnose hardware problems (i.e. when the monitor stopped working it stopped under both os so i was pretty sure it was hardware)
shouldn't have told them the laptop was working
are the ping times from each machine to the default gateway consistent?
It really sounds like spyware to me, slow performance, some sites not working, stuff like that. what did you do to scan for spyware?
did you try shutting down the firewall too?