I was downtown this past summer and saw a guy pushing a large woman in a wheelchair. The front wheel of the chair fell in a crack in the pavement, and the chair very nearly fell forward. The guy had to pull on the chair with all his might to keep the lady from falling face first into the ground. Then the guy spit in anger at the crack in the pavement. I had to bite my cheek to keep from laughing. Now, its not that I thought it was funny, really, but that was my reaction to this crazy non-fatal thing happening. My desire to laugh was not an indication of malice towards these people. Now, Castro falls and people laugh, maybe they laugh because there is such a great divide between the image of Castro as the revolutionary leader and Castro the klutz.
I hope this made sense. I'm pretty tired.
*edit- I myself would think this Castro fall was funny if he didn't break his bones. Knowing that he broke his bones made it not laughable to me. It just made me cringe.
Last edited by anleja; 10-23-2004 at 09:50 PM..