Legal question...
At my job, I program reports for a software package... The kind of reports that print out of a program showing sales, tax pulled in, payroll info, etc...
A customer that I know makes some serious money at his office is asking for a way, outside of our program, to be able to change numbers around that appear on the reports. My guess is that he wants to do this to show the government that he is making less than he actually is.
The question: Can I get in deep shit for creating this for him?
If I was to bring up a form showing all of the numbers that will appear on the report, and make that grid editable before the report prints, could I get in trouble for this in any way?
I mean, I could just say that he asked for the numbers to appear prior to printing the report incase he needed to go change something before the report prints, but is this legal to do, since I have an idea of what he might be planning on doing?