Every government that has ever existed on Earth has eventually been disbanded in one way or another. Except those young ones that exist now like ours.
It seems to be the nature of things that they cannot exist for more than a few hundred years before falling. I don't think we Americans are so superior that it will not happen here as well.
There is very little choice in our elections. The Democrats and Republicans are both beholden to special interests and both corrupt. People move back and forth between government jobs and big business, lobiests, etc..depending on which party is in power. Both parties are for big government, big spending and big taxes, and both want to see it stay that way. The parties that offer something different like the Libertarians have no chance in this system.
I believe eventually the whole economic system will die like a rotten fruit on the vine. I am amazed that people will actually give me goods for the soon to be worthless paper (money) I give them. When it gets bad enough, people will revolt.
We already have a fairly large split in our country between the big government coasts and the "Live Free or Die" (sorry NH) heartland. Folks in Montana, etc.. don't want their guns controlled, etc..though the majority of folks who live in the big cities want to do so.
I guess the way things are now I think a vote for the Democrats or Republicans is pretty much a vote for bigger and more intrusive government, and a vote for the Libertarians is wasted. Since we don't have a "None of the Above" selection, I think a no vote is the best choice. At any rate I believe the government will eventually fail no matter how we as individuals vote. It's like one of the natural laws or something, LOL.