Enzeru stood at the top of the hill looking down its slope to a beaten path that led into a dense forest. As he stood there, the first light of dawn began to pull away the blanket of black that night had pulled over the land. When the light hit the slope he was looking down at, Enzeru smiled.
Enzeru had followed this trail for three days and nights, and now with the help of the evidence of a newly made path cutting through the dew laiden grass down the slope, he knew where to find his query.
Looking at this man, one wouldn't know him to be the Emperor's top guard, or even an imposing figure at all. The man stood only 5' 8'' bearing a trim but athletic build and shaggy cloud-white hair that lay wildly on his head and over his face covering his ice-blue eyes. Not even his clothes showed him as a fighter. He wore a simple grey cloak over a black prefect's shirt and pants, and a pair of wrapped leather boots.
The only indications of this man being a fighter at all were the black fingerless leather glove he wore on his right hand, the black head band he wore bearing the emperor's seal, and the odd contraption he wore in a cross-draw leather holster on a belt dangling at his left hip accompanied by a leather pouch, nearly out of view under his cloak.
After standing on the top of the hill for a bit longer taking in the beautiful scene he was a part of, Enzeru mounted his horse and began making his way to the dense forest at the bottom of the hill.
Well, here we go.