Originally Posted by cthulu23
You don't support it (its still going on, if you haven't noticed) but you believe it's necessary? Really?
No, Kerry is saying that Bush's views on stem cells equal right-wing ideology. Can't we have a little nuance here?
I support our troops- and I believe its neccesary. I believed at the start we might be better waiting on more nations- but not its evidedent that because they were being paid off France, Germany and Russia were not going to help... But being that I did not vote for/against the war, nor did I give the order to start it I have no control over it, and thus its a moot point. Mr. Kerry DOES/DID have control over voting for the war, he has control over gay marriages ( voted against the defence of marriage act) he is AGAINST the partial birth abortion ban, and against PRO-life policies. He wants to promote, and fund embyronic stem cell research.
Potentially he has the ability to lift the ban on the ltitle foothold Pro-Lifers have ( partial birth abortion ban) he will NOT defend the sanctity of marriage, and he will NOT protect unborn children, nor Embyros.
And yes i feel that by saying George W. Bushs views on embryos are extreme right - wing ideologies- he is stating that thesse views are extreme right wing ideologies.
As Catholics its been noted that we have to help make our moral views the Law.
Im not saying hes a bad catholic, Im saying its hypocritical use Catholsism to get ahead in the polls, when your NOT reflecting those views.
I would not be suprised if he is elected, and repeals the ban on partial birth abortion, he is excommunicated. Abortion is one of the things that a massive majority of catholics agree on, and in most practicing families it is a litmus test for politicians. When you say your Catholic, and your take stances that do not connect at all with the Church, your opening yourself up to these kinds of ridicule.
that said mr.kerry is a smooth talker, it gets a lot of play for republicans, but let me say- he could make a hella lotta money if he stayed in Law.
He never says hes "for gay marriage" - in fact he "believes its between a man and a woman" but at the same time says that " we have to afford homosexuals their costitional right to marry" - everyone hears what they want to hear.
Same for abortions - hes " pro- life " and belives " life begins at conception" but wont protect life- because we must afford women their "constitional right to choose".
He is pro - life - but he wont protect life
He isnt for same sex marriage personally- but he wont outlaw it
Jul 30, 2004: *"The Bible itself - I mean, everything talks about different layers of development. That's what Roe v. Wade does. It talks about viability. It's the law of the land."
He stated - from my interpretation - correct me if im wrong- that we cannot infuse our moral beliefs into the Law- but thats precisly what the catholic church
To make such intrinsically evil actions legal is itself wrong. This is the point most recently highlighted in official Catholic teaching. The legal system as such can be said to cooperate in evil when it fails to protect the lives of those who have no protection except the law. In the United States of America, abortion on demand has been made a constitutional right by a decision of the Supreme Court. Failing to protect the lives of innocent and defenseless members of the human race is to sin against justice. Those who formulate law therefore have an obligation in conscience to work toward correcting morally defective laws, lest they be guilty of cooperating in evil and in sinning against the common good."
Faithful Citizenship