This guy with his family went to buy $6 of icecream with a $1 and a $50. By the time I got out the $45 change he already split. He thought he payed with a 1 and a 5. I had to run out the store and catch him before he left to give him his money back.
And one time, I went to eat at a mexican restaraunt with some friends. Before I was out the door my dad asked where I was going and if I needed any money to eat. I told him not really, but he handed me a bill anyway, and I pocketed it. When I went to pay for $5 of food, the guy tried to give me change for a $20, and I insisted he counted wrong, and he insisted I counted wrong. I was pretty sure I handed him a $5 and left it at that. As I ate, I thought about how... I never actually looked at that bill. I called my dad from a payphone, and asked him what he gave me, and he said it was a $20. So I told the cashier that I made a mistake, and he gave me full change.
Long story short, what goes around comes around, and it works both ways.