Sounds like your foot is firmly wedged in the door. One thing you may want to be prepared for is a written quiz on programming. This is very common for programmer jobs, I'm not exactly sure was "system analyst" means these days.
Where I used to intern, programming was primarily in C++ and they made me reverse a character array on paper during the onsite interview. If you know you going to be programming in Java, there probably won't be a question like this, but if your not sure you may want to prepare. This is a VERY common test question for job interviews.
This same company later made a more elaborate test with some object-oriented questions involving inheritence, function overriding, etc. This would be more applicable to java.
Also, be prepared to sound knowledgable on technical issues. And don't be afraid to ask questions about their systems, if you sound liek you know what you're talking about and are interested in learning, this is a good thing.
Anyway, it sounds like they like you. You just need to make a final impression. good luck!