No, the core of the discussion is if either side would use Reeves and his memory to attack the other. Not if he would be used to further the cause.
I'm gonna disagree with Pan's initial post that Reeves name should be left out of politics. He would definately abhor splitting the parties with one denigrating him and the other using him as a saint for Stem Cell Research. But his name, condition and wishes, I believe are all valid to be used in this election process. If it can be used to get what he wanted so desperately, then he should be invoked.
There is a clear distinction between the candidates. One is in favor of stem cell research and the other is opposed. There is NOTHING wrong, with saying you side with Reeves and will work dilligently to see that his condition can be corrected in the future. He is not being used as a club against Bush in Edwards statement but as a honeypot. Nothing wrong with that, admirable in fact.