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Old 10-13-2004, 07:45 AM   #64 (permalink)
KMA-628 off his were warned.
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Location: The Wild Wild West
Originally Posted by roachboy
that would maybe be interesting, mojo, if the history of american foreign policy since world war 2 did not reveal, as self-evident, that the americans do not and have not cared about despots, about murderous regimes, so long as they were politically convenient. while this history is not pretty to investigate, it is easy enough to do--and maybe knowing about it would prevent you from being chumped so easily by this latest, most desperate justification for war floated from the bush people.
roach -

I was referring to this part of your post. My point being that our foreign policy has not been consistent enough to flatly state that we do or do not do something in a specific time period. We have gone after regimes that could be considered politically convenient, but we also have gone after regimes that are ify on that category. Somalia would be one example. We went after a warlord that wasn't politically advantageous to us, strictly under the guise of a humanitarian cause. Guess what? It failed miserably and our soldiers got killed needlessly.

There are other examples, but I am sure you understand where I am coming from. I just think your statement was too over-generalized. On the flip-side, there are very few countries in this world where we don't have a political concern for some reason or another.
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