Traegergrills sound nice, but please - are they really worth $700? To be honest, I use a cheap CharBroil charcoal grill - friggin' thing works great! I've used gas and charcoal in the past, both do their their job. Advantages go between them - gas is faster and easier to control; charcoal gives a better flavor.
I build gas grills, so I see the quality between certain models. And to be honest, a lot of different models come from the same manufacturer. I prefer it when customers are on the floor and they ask to speak w/me (because I put them together).
Bottom line - is an electric grill as good as gas or charcoal? Is it worth paying $700, when you can buy a decent Weber gas grill for $350? Weber grills last for about 15 years (so I've been told - by previous and current owners). I don't work for Weber, but from the lines we sell, these seem to be the most dependable.