Jack Handey Quote of the Day 10-09-04
Coming up on the end of "Fuzzy Memories"
At summer camp one night it was my turn to tell a ghost story around the campfire. I started to tell this story about a murderer who has a hook for a hand, but then I saw that one of the kids sitting there had a hook instead of a hand. When I saw that, I let out a big scream and went running for my tent, as fast as my little legs could take me.
One weird thing that happened to me was one time I was in a plane that was landing and I suddenly stood up and yelled, "The plane's going to crash! The plane's going to crash!" The stewardess told me to sit down and be quiet, so I did.
The plane landed okay, but as we were all going to get our bags, I started yelling, "Our bags aren't going to be there!" But they were, even Strappy.
So I rented one of those metal carts to put your bags on, and guess what happened? I crashed into another guy's cart.
So that's pretty weird, isn't it?