Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
I have a car. People - many people - have used cars as weapons. Let's ban all cars, or require searches for all people before they enter their cars. Or perhaps lie detector tests installed in cars that you have to state you will not intentionally use the car for a murderous purpose before you can start it? I fail to see the difference.
Innocent until proven guilty. Should we get rid of this too?
Ok, we have Highway Patrol, City and State police, traffic lights, now cameras at intersections, etc......we have ways to try and effectively patrol the roads and individuals cars. They do what they can with what they have.
You are trying to find examples to compare to the airline industry and you can't equate anything with them, mainly in part because we have not had to deal with such a threat before. They are trying to do what they can with what they have as well.
SM70, I am not happy with it either, but I have to accept the fact that we need to change the rules a little to apply what is currently going on in our lives. If I didn't like what they were doing on planes, I would never fly again. That's my choice too.
You make it see like there is a better way to handle the situation. Perhaps you can enlighten us.