Originally Posted by Gatorade Frost
Politics interested me up until about two weeks ago. I was a politics and a news junky, and then one day I was in a class and this girl who's on the complete opposite side of the political spectrum was sitting there saying "Bush is a moron. You're a retard for voting for him." and I just kind of realised that it's not worth it. I'm not changing anyone's opinion who gets in on the political debates and nobody's changing how I view things. My personal feelings, my opinions, that's what I have and who I am, and frankly any amount of debate unless it's -very- well thought out (Only one time have I had a huge change in opinion - Abortion) then I'm going to stay with the opinion that I have.
Politics is ev erywhere, but in reality I'm not very effected by any bills passed by the government, and it's just that mass that sits up there that's kind of off in a distance to me, and talking politics just makes enemies blinded by ideology and frankly it feels like a waste of time to me to have to make enemies because of the person I plan on voting for.
Would I ever get into politics?
Yes. School Finance -has- to change in Texas. Last year the school district I went to forked over 300 million dollars to be spread out among the poorer school districts in Texas. That's a lot of money. Since the Robin Hood plan has been in Texas my school district has slowly had decreasing scores and grades while the SAT and ACT scores of other districts has slowly been on the rise because they're making millions of dollars that we're losing. Luckily the state supreme court has just declared the plan illegal, so I am not sure if I'd ever have a need to step into politics.
this is off-topic, and possibly needs a new thread, but i find it interesting that you're equating money with performance. i've always noticed that conservatives usually bash the public schools and the "liberal" idea of throwing more money at it to solve the problem of decreasing scholastic performance. i'm just curious as to your thoughts on that.
on topic, i woudl consider getting into politics... i've been thinking of running for school board/city council type positions, mainly, but could see myself one day wanting to head to the state level.