Originally Posted by roadkill
Philosphoically is Homosexually wrong?
Its their choice to be that way, but they can't reproduce. According to our government its wrong but, they are makeing choices for people who aren't being equally represented. (By our country I mean America; I sadly don't know enough about the world to be speaking on their behalf.)
So is it morally ok to be homosexual?
I haven't read this whole thread so if this is a repeat idea thats why.
I can't see homosexuality as a choice. Most societies think homosexuality as a perversion, some have had a death penalty for it. Most people don't WANT to be perverts in the eyes of society. Its also to pervasive. I've never heard of a society that didn't have homosexuals. Therefore its just what they are, their brains are wired to be attracted to the 'wrong' sex.
If no one is being hurt (unlike with pedophillia) then it is not a moral issue. Some would say society is hurt, but I do not agree with them.