After seeing tonight's episode, I have a couple things that stuck in my mind. I think they've laid out most of the "essentials", like back story on main characters, attmepts at contacting the outside world, and answering a couple of questions here and there. I feel the show is now ready to branch out into more in depth story lines. Such as the monsters on the island, the Spoiler: "ghosts" that will show up in the next episode, and other character's back stories. I am very interested in seeing where the show goes. Definitely the first show in years that I'll make an effort to watch every week.
A couple of things that I found odd... The guy with the scar on his eye's clothes always seem spotless. Almost everyone else is wearing dirty, ragged clothes and look like the haven't changed since the crash. But this guy is soapy clean and his shirts are still perfectly white. Odd...
Also, the asian "couple". In the one scene he says to her, Spoiler: "I love you." But it's left aligned on the screen, almost as if he said more than that. Now I don't speak Vietnamese or Korean or whatever, but it'd be interesting to know if he said more.
Just my thoughts.
Common sense is uncommon. Ironic, isn't it?