What is wrong with my team? I will tell you what is wrong with my team, Kerry fucking Collins, that’s what. I have already stated my frustration about him in another thread, but I will do so here as well. Am I the only person in the world who knew that Collins is AVERAGE at best? Everyone said Collins would be perfect for the new Raider offense and that Collins is much better than Gannon and so on and so forth. I said from day one that Collins sucks. He is extremely slow, he cracks under pressure even when there is none, he can’t scramble if his life depended on it, he is so dazed that he failed to realize the ball has been snapped, he throws way too much INT’s and he is an overall dumb guy. He may have the arm, but what good is that when he makes more completions to the wrong team. I want Gannon back; we would have won with him. Everything Collins can’t do, Gannon can do amazingly. Hell, I say start Tui next week and put Collins at 2, he is worthless. As for other problems we have, coming into the Texan game, we had great defense and a great O line. That seems to have just disappeared yesterday. The number one QB in sacks, and we didn't even touch him?!!! WTF is that all about. How about the 8 false starts on offense, are you fucking kidding me?! Its time to move Sims at LG so he can’t complain about not hearing the snap count. This guy has been jumping off the line too fucking much since last season. Also, Sapp, you are getting paid how much? Instead of talking so fucking much, go out there and play, you haven’t done shit thus far. As for our special teams, I won’t even get into that. We better fix all of this shit before Sunday, otherwise INDI will slaughter us. Compare Manning to Carr.....thank you. After INDI we got Denver, so we better be prepared. I will leave it at that for now. I’m sure I will have much more bitching to do later.