While driving (like everyone else, apparently HA)
At work (again, like everyone else)
At several friends and relatives houses
At restaurants (in the restroom) on long road trips
In a hotel room in Vegas with my mate (we'd both lost a lot of cash downstairs in the casino and when I got out of the shower, he didn't get the porn he'd rented turned off quick enough. One thing led to another...)
In dozens of dressing rooms
At a peep show in New York City
In the middle of the road at 4am when traffic was next to nil
On my front porch
On the balcony of an old apartment
On the balcony of a (very tall) hotel (facing into the woods)
I'm sure there's more...
Now, what are the strangest places I've had sex (including oral)?
See that list above? All of those except the middle of the road and the dressing room, plus the airplane (and when I had sex in Vegas it was on a different trip and with my wife)