It was a public school. They did what they were paid to do. So, no. Moveover, for years the alumni association would run a fairly vile telemarketing campaign to raise cash, and that turned me off even more.
My old department, a journalism deparment of some note, has its own fundraising campaign going and I get appeals from them as well -- in the form of, here's an envelop, send money for one of our pressing causes. Now, I do feel something for the old department. But I don't just want to stuff money in an envelope and trust it'll be spent in some way I'll approve of. If they were to declare an alumni day and invite us all up, show us what was needed, and invite us to write checks for specific purchases or activities that were explained to us, I'd probably part with few hundred, maybe more. But just an envelope? Forget it. People like to be asked personally by someone who matters, not a photocopied note or a telemarketer.