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Old 09-28-2004, 03:19 PM   #34 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by K-Wise
Again you are wrong. This time on an entirely different level. Jesus Christ did exist, and he was crucified. I don't know what history books you've read but he is in ACTUAL history books and he the man actually did exist. And Jesus himself says that the Jews will be taken up. Jesus himself was a Jew so you think he did not make it into heaven? Muslims believe in Allah and if you've ever read the Koran(sp?) I hear the first book is exactly the same as the bible word for word. Catholics believe that Allah is the same God we worship just called a different name. So no Christians do NOT denounce ALL other religions you're probably basing your opinions off of ignorant Protestants who don't even know the true history of the church let alone what they REALLY believe in. I have met Protestants who shun all other religions even Catholicism..they believe we "worship" the Virgin Mary which any true Catholic will tell you is completely false. And never did I "bash" you. I corrected you as I am correcting you now. I'm not even debating whether or not you "believe" in or agree with my religion which is another thing you are wrong about. I'm only correcting the untruths you keep throwing about like you actually know what you are talking about. Coming from a man who doesn't believe in any of this how would you know what a real Christian really believes? Have you ever heard of the Holy Trinity? And the idea of it? Father, Son, Holy Ghost? See I myself never said Jesus WAS said that I said that. However Jesus and God himself have.

John 10:30 - Jesus says "The Father and I are one."

Hebrews 1:8,9 - God the Father speaks "<b>But unto the Son he sayeth, Thy throne oh God is forever and ever. A sceptre of thy kingdom Thou hast loved righteousness and hated iniquity; Therefore, God even Thy God hath annointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.</b>"

LOL! Of course EVERYTHING I said is incorrect. I would expect that from a Christian. I need to get an unbiased objective opinion from someone who has not been brainwashed.

Jesus says "the father and I are one." yet he also says all of those other quotes I typed that you don’t want to mention. Jesus sure was an indecisive person. He really should have made up his mind.

All I will say is that all claims of Jesus are from hearsay accounts. I know you don’t want to believe that because your church will not allow you to, and you will immediately brush it off as "wrong", but it is the truth. Anyways, don’t bother arguing with your subjective ness, it kills your argument.
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