Watch movies like "Hamburger Hill"
A movie based on true accounts of the US Army's 11 attempts to take an unnamed hill just because the North Vietnamese controlled it. We eventually got it but only after passing our troops through a meat grinder. We lost so many young men with unlimited potential that day to do what? Take the hill and then abandon it the next day. That battle had a 70% casualty rate. It was disgusting. Just frontal assault after frontal assault. Our troops just kept getting cut down and the commanders just sent them back up there. Why did we do it? Because the hill was there, the NVA had it and once we engaged them we couldn't allow ourselves to lose face and concede the hill. Truly an evil act that, if there is a God, has doomed them to hell. Such a waste of life.
John Kerry's testimony and actions to try and stop the war through any means necessary were completely honorable. I have no respect for the men who he was philosophically opposed to during this conflict and have a degree of disgust for those who today denegrate his contribution to Americas soul.