Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
I don't think he was dragging partisanship into it at all. I live in Chicago and it's a well-known fact that the Democratic party machine is still alive and well over here. Funny how Daley keeps winning by landslides when I've never met anyone who actually LIKES him as a mayor. Let's not get sensitive - he was simply referring to a real-life example that happened to be of the Democrats.
I kinda liked Daley until the whole Migs thing. What an asshole.
Anyways what I ment by anonymous voting can go, is there needs to be a way for people to identify who they voted for and to have some some way of verifing who voted for who. Lets say I am in charge of the voting machines and even if it gives you a print out it still might have 'scored' your vote for someone else.
I know there is no fool proof system, and to quote Stalin 'Those who vote decide nothing, those who count the votes decide everything.'
Originally Posted by cthulu23
But of course...everyone knows that no Republicans have ever committed voter fraud. Can we go a few breaths without dragging ugly partisanship into the ring?