Good workout, though I would try a little more variation. If you are just beginning to work out please dont be too offended or hurt by what I am saying next. That is a great schedule if you have been lethargic for the past few years, working out no matter how much it could use improvement is better than nothing.
Throw in some lunges to work out your gleuts and hamstrings. With pushups alternate between regular, diamond, hands spread wide apart and close in. One day maybe move a bike to thursday and put in some jogging and/or sprints (uphill sprints are a killer but they build you up fast). Swimming is also a great workout and will help your lungs and breathing develop. On your situp days try to throw in 6inches/leg lifts/hello-Dolly's or other leg/ab workouts (sorry if you dont know what they are, hard to explain without showing it... and they have a myriad of names).
One mistake people often do is not varying their schedule. Your body quickly developes for whatever type of activity you do. That's why you see guys that can run 5-10 miles yet still cant even see their beltbuckle. If you throw in activities that work out other muscles in there, and keeps changing them your body will have to work harder and will thus build more muscles and burn at a higher metabolism.
Please take what I say with a grain of salt. I truely mean it that any workout schedule, no matter how much improvement it could use, is better than working out without one or worse doing nothing. Good luck