lemme think...i watched the CNN special and i know someone will correct me if i'm wrong, but some of hte rules that stuck out in my mind:
1. no risers, kerry is 6" taller than bush and the kerry camp did not want bush wearing risers so he appears as tall or taller...dumb rule, but they cited the JFK/nixon televised debates as harmful to nixon bc he had a 5 oclock shadow while people who heard the debate on the radio thought nixon won the debate..
2. No panning to others in the debate while a candidate is responding
3. candidate A is asked a question and has 120 seconds to respond, candidate B then has 90 seconds.
4. No banter between the two candidates (this one makes me sick)
5. NO, NO shots from behind the candidate, they were very clear on this one....(makes me wonder if they are scared of seeing rove or cheney's hand up bush...
) I jest bc i care...
http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/...hts/index.html This highlights the rest that i couldn't remember....32 freaking pages....amazing, isn't it....