ultimateending, I'll give it to you from a guy's perspective, and a guy's perspective who has been through this before..essentially. Long story short - that first year after graduation from high school / freshmen year at college is a classic time for breakups. Your ex is in an environment that's totally new, she's trying to fit in with different crowds, etc. If you were older I'd talk about A Different World and Lisa Bonet and Dwayne Wayne, but that's all useless to you. This sounds like one of those "can't force a square peg in a round hole" situations - as tough as it may be, I'll back Mal on letting it go. If your friendship with the ex is "meant to work" it will...but if not, then you've got a situation where come December, it'll be soooo cold you'll have to maybe put on a sweater, and when spring hits in March the beaches will be crowded with ridiculously intoxicated young ladies in two-piece thongs. Life could be worse. Make the most of it. Have fun with the new relationship - it sounds like the old one was dying.
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style