Quote from 4thTimeLucky:
"England didn't get mentioned in the first post and it irritates me that we are (rightly) seen as the 51st state - neither foreign to the US nor a part of it."
Sweet merciful crap! Iraq issue aside (though, it seems that's what you're basing if off of), Canada is way more of a 51rst state. Almost all of our economy is tied into theirs (thanks, partly, to a certain Prime Minister name Mulroney), up until Iraq we went where ever the U.S. went (which isn't always a bad thing), almost all of our popular English TV is American, and the list goes on.
I have a few problems with my country (ie. the government procedures, some social spending, the relativity at times, etc. ......... ask for specifics if you're interested), but make no bones about it: for me, it's Canada.
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