A dismal display of biased yellow journalism that is a mark of shame upon the profession and the newsguy who reported it on tv in the face of millions of Americans. If he didn't believe in the authenticity, he should have had the personal integrity not to go and speak before the public. He had the final say.
This is the order of responsibility I hold these weasels accountable:
1) Dan Rather
1.25) Dan Rather's Staff
1.5) CBS Executives
1.75) The weasels who typed up the fake document
Give Kerry credit for not jumping on this sinking ship and using it in his campaign against Bush.
After 247 years in the business, Rather should have known better than to run a story before he verified the thing. This whole fiasco belongs in ARTelevision's "Mass Media Mind Control" thread here as a bald-faced, shameful example of an attempt to outright manipulate public opinion. Let this serve as an example to BigMedia that, "We, The People" are watching them and are prepared to call them out when they try to pull this crap.
A great day for Democracy.