I live in an area that has a huge portuguese population, and tons of portugese restuarants... The common soup served at thise restaurants is a portuguese bean soup recipe... (which is really quite good, and you can improvise whatever you want in it)
Portuguese Bean Soup
1 lean ham hock
4 potatoes, chopped
1 10 oz Chorizo sausage (Spanish sausage)
1 minced onion
2 chopped celery
2 chopped carrots
1 minced clove garlic
2 cans of kidney beans
1 can of stewed tomatoes
1 head of savoy cabbage (or some sort of greens, I've used Kale, spinach, watercress, whatever green is avaialble)
First you boil ham until meat comes off the bone, or until soft. Then
add the kidney beans, potatoes, chorizo, onion and carrots. Then
after 20 minutes, put in the rest of the ingredients. Then wait 10 minutes
then add a dash of red pepper then your done.
I just reached for my favorite cookbook, Soup, a Way of Life by barbara Kafka -- there's nothing in the cookbook with any variation of the spelling of sorpus - the portugese soups are
Brocolli di rape and garlic soup
Garlic Soup with Tomato
TOmato and bread soup
Portuguese Cod Soup
Do you know what's in the recipe you are trying to find?
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