Originally Posted by martinguerre
This is off topic. So i won't respond here. Feel free to read Whosoever, or ask elsewhere in the forum.
Do you seriously believe there is an answer for that on one of these forums?
Originally Posted by martinguerre
And no, possible break up is not the core of my arguement. Even if you are a good spouse, i don't think that at the same time you can be a good sibiling or cousin or whatever...to a close family member. The roles have starkly different responsibilities...to suceed at one means failure at the other.
What responsibilities do brother and sister have to each other exactly? And how do they prevent you from being a good spouse?
Originally Posted by martinguerre
Then why show up in a thread about either? Do you hang out in threads about straight marraige and get this involved, too? Do wedding invites come as insults to you?
Having a negative opinion is as good a reason as any. You don't expect everyone to just turn up and start praising gay people and what an atrocity it is that homosexual marriage is not treated equally do you?
I don't think I've ever been invited to a wedding. Like I said, people can keep their business to themselves and that's fine with me.
I've never been invited to the loss of a friends virginity, or the opening of their first bank account either.
Originally Posted by martinguerre
As i've talked about before...i feel that marriage is not just about closed doors.
Why does public knowledge of your arrangements with someone make the slightest bit of difference to other people except those you explicitly want to tell? Why make an outward show of it?