Here is another take on this subject. Why ban the tool used to commit a crime. I can kill someone with my car, a hammer, a stick, a rock, or even the most important thing mankind needs, water. Yet I have no want or need to kill somone or use any of those items for any purpose other than what they are legally allowed to be used for.
What needs to be done is to utilize the laws already in place to remove the lawbreakers from our midst. I agree that the criminals will have to commit a crime before we can remove them and people may die when those crimes are committed. But when the criminal does bad make them pay. It may seem third world or barbaric but, In my opinion if you commit a crime and kill someone there is no option other than to kill you for the crime. We all know wrong from right criminals know wrong from right as well, they also know that if they commit a crime and are caught they will have to pay the price. Make the price so exorbantly high that, and follow through with the punishments. So that criminals know we will punish them not just slap their wrists. Then maybe just maybe they will choose not to commit the crime.
Also I would like to all of you for gun control and the banning of all firearms. Google the crime statistics before and after firearms were banned in Australia. Criminals knowing that law abiding citizens do not have firearms to protect themselves are not afraid to commit crimes against those people because only the lawabiding citizens gave up their guns yet the criminals did not turn in their firearms.
Food for thought.
Been There, Couldn't do that, No Money, Maybe next time.
I did get the T-shirt, but I've put on some weight so it don't fit.
It made a nice grease rag!