Purchasing an LCD (No Gaming)
Hey this is my second thread about my new comp, first one is about the sound card, this one is about the monitor (dont worry it should be my last thread about this crap for a while)
I am looking into getting either a 17 or 19 inch monitor, preferably a 19incher because i want to watch movies on my computer. I have heard about slower refresh rates on LCD's causing ghosting and bluring with games, so I was wondering if this happenes when watching DVDs as well. oh yea and i lied about playing no games, i will be playing some very oldschool dos games on it, and maybe the original C&C games.
The compuer I am building is going to be used for (in this order):
1). Sound Editing and recording
2). Watching DVD
3). Editing pictures
4). Playing old old games like Xcom and Master of Magic and Civ2
Any Brands of monitors better than any others? I have heard that the cheaper LCD's hurt your eyes after staring at them for 2+ hours. Also just from looking at different monitors I find that the sony ones have the sharpest image, but then again i wasnt looking at any phenominal pictures or anything.
And I have to get an LCD because a CRT simply would not even come close to fitting on my desk.
Thanks again for the help