Q: What was Moby Dick's father's name?
A: Papa Boner.
Q: How is a blonde and a pitcher different?
A: A blonde doesn't mind when you charge the mound.
Q: What's better than seeing a woman wrestle?
A: Seeing her box.
Q: Have you heard about the new radio station in town?
A: It's called WPMS... every month they give you three weeks of the blues and then one week of rag time.
Q: Did you hear about the new high school course?
A: Intercourse ... you go between periods and you are expected to come.
Q: How do you cancel an appointment at the sperm bank?
A: Easy...You call them up and tell them you can't come.
Q: Why won't cannibals eat divorced women?
A: They're always bitter.
Q: What should you do if an elephant comes in your window?
A: Learn to swim.
Q: What's worse than having your doctor tell you that you have VD?
A: Having your dentist confirm it.
Q: Why does Miss Piggy douche with Honey?
A: Because Kermit likes sweet and sour pork.
Q: What's the difference between a Harley and a Hoover?
A: The position of the dirt bag.
Q: Have you heard the slogan for the Stealth Condom?
A: "They'll never see you coming."
Q: What's meaner than a pit bull with AIDS?
A: The guy that gave it to him.
Q. What do a farmer and a pimp have in common?
A. Both need a hoe to stay in business.
Q: How do women get minks?
A: The same way minks get minks.
Q: What do you call a 1000 pound woman on a bar stool with a new condom?
A: 1/2 ton pickup with good rubber.
Q: Did you hear about the girl who went on a fishing trip with 6 guys?
A: She came back with a red snapper.
Q: What do you call a female turtle?
A: A Clitortous.
Q: What's better than screwing two eighteen year old girls at once?
A: Not a damn thing!
Thockmorton knew if he were ever to break wind in the echo chamber, he would never hear the end of it.